Thursday, 26 May 2011

First One - Here goes

My first blog will be short and sweet(ish),

Over the past few years I have been lucky enough to work for companies who not only encourage learning and enhancing new development skills, but they pretty much demand it. Which in itself makes it much easier for a developer like me to be motivated to constantly pick up new skills, resources, languages and techniques and of course develop the mentality to be able to do this with enthusiasm. Not that I am a lazy person by nature of course :)

As I have come across some interesting bits and pieces, I have been encouraged by various colleagues to go down the road of blogging about them. These bits and pieces have mainly come in the form of Asp.Net MVC,.Net (C#), javascript/jQuery and more lately I have been getting involved in a lot more mobile web development including iPhone Application development via Monotouch (very interesting stuff). You might already know everything I have blogged about, which is fine, if not hopefully some of this will help, or might be of some interest at least!

I also might not limit this blog to software development and work, if I feel I can create an interesting topic to blog about, I will do so!

First (proper) one coming soon - Create a custom HtmlHelper method to allow very easy and simple tool tips on your MVC3 site - @Html.ToolTipFor(x => x.Name)

Any comments, tips or suggestions are more than welcome!

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